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Since its establishment in 2000, the company provides cutting-edge solutions for the management of highly personalized customer communication. These solutions are based on the OpenText Exstream platform. We help our clients build long-term customer relationships and we transform their customer communication into an efficient and reliable process. We collaborate with European, Asian and North American multinational enterprises,  specializing primarily on telecommunications, banking, insurance and energy suppliers


Region Central & Eastern Europe
Product focus CEM - Portal;CEM - Semantic Navigation;CEM - Customer Communications Management;CEM - Digital Asset Management;CEM - Mobility;CEM - Social Media;CEM - WCM - Web Experience Management;CEM - WCM - Web Site Management;CEM - Exstream;CEM - TeleForm;CEM - LiquidOffice;CEM - MediaBin;CEM - Qfiniti;CEM - TeamSite
Type of partnership Reseller
Industry focus Financial Services;Insurance;Telecommunications;Computer Software;Utilities;Energy;Healthcare;Professional Services;Public Sector
Partner level Bronze

Products and Services Overview

Products :  CCM Design - we design communication templates in line with customer brand design and input data  CCM Production - we generate communication output and optimize it for different types of channels  CCM Delivery - we deliver the output using relevant channels maximizing its reach and optimizing the cost   

Expertise :    Consulting - we design and implement comprehensive CCM solutions or optimize existing ones  Cloud & Outsourcing - we offer fast implementation, security guarantee and cost optimization   Professional services - we deliver the prepared communication using the most relevant channels maximizing it’s reach.

Corporate Address

Krasovského 3986/14
851 01

+421 903 404 486