Legal Tech & eDiscovery

OpenText Breach Response Analysis & Reporting Service

Comply with breach notification requirements with expert discovery, analysis and reporting of exposed data

of legal and compliance leaders report that cybersecurity and data breaches have triggered investigations [1]


colleagues reviewing information on screens

The OpenText™ Breach Response Analysis & Reporting Service combines the expertise, best practices and technology to rapidly identify compromised data and help organizations mitigate damage and ensure compliance.

How Breach Response Analysis & Reporting Service can benefit business

  • Extract breached data

    Identify and extract relevant data, regardless of source or formatting.

  • Locate all forms of sensitive data

    Utilize eDiscovery and investigation expertise in pattern-based data, such as PII and PCI, free-form data and confidential business information to assess the full impact.

  • Discover breached sensitive commercial data

    Quickly and effectively discover breached commercially sensitive data to help mitigate the damage to the organization.

  • Fulfill compliance requirements

    Generate detailed and defensible reports that identify the specific data breached and the people associated with it to comprehensively fulfill notification requirements.

  • Find gaps and reduce risk

    Enhance quality control and proactively address issues with iterative reporting to highlight data inconsistencies and gaps, saving time and cost.

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Leaders trust OpenText

See how customers are succeeding with Breach Response Analysis & Reporting Service.

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Leading law firm automates document review with cloud-based eDiscovery solution from OpenText

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Serious Fraud Office uses artificial intelligence in the fight against crime

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Breach Response Analysis and Reporting Service resources

OpenText Breach Response Analysis & Reporting Service

Read the overview

How to handle chat data in eDiscovery and investigations

Read the blog

The Recon Investigation Advantage

Watch the video

OpenText Axcelerate: Driving down the cost of eDiscovery

Watch the video

10 Steps to modern ESI investigations

Read the blog

Addressing cyber resilience gaps across key infrastructure assets

Read the blog

Solving the review team conundrum

Read the blog

OpenText Recon Investigations

Read the overview

Digital Forensics—Analysis and Expert Witness Services

Read the overview

OpenText Axcelerate Investigation

Read the overview

Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Read the overview



  1. [1]Compliance Week, What factors are driving change in your corporate investigations processes?, 2021.