Customer stories

Global pharmaceutical company

Global pharmaceutical company expedites actionable business intelligence. Life Sciences organization gains new insight, generates revenue with unified view of digital marketing performance from OpenText Alloy


  • Fragmented view of analytics platforms and programs
  • Disjointed data crippled accessibility, productivity
  • Delayed insights did not support targeting, campaigns


  • Improved evaluation of campaign effectiveness in relation to KPIs

  • Gained ability to adjust marketing efforts in a timely manner

  • Enhanced decision-making, return based on accurate business intelligence


A key pharmaceutical customer needed a unified view of global web analytics data across a variety of digital assets, such as websites, banner advertising and social media. With marketing campaign metrics and clickstream data coming from a growing number of analytics platforms—including Google Analytics, Facebook Insights and YouTube—it had no cohesive way to analyze the data as a whole. Obtaining the data required visits to the metric provider sites individually or requesting reports from their marketing agency.

The dashboard allows for metrics analysis across all brands and regions for unprecedented insight into campaign performance

Because timely evaluation of marketing campaign results is essential, the pharmaceutical company sought to consolidate all campaign metrics into a single unified view to support decisions based on accurate business intelligence. Consolidation of all metrics would also enable holistic comparison of effectiveness data with defined KPIs.

The continually changing analytics technology space presented an additional challenge because the client did not want to invest in a solution that would become obsolete or ineffective as more analytics platforms were added to the marketing mix. A solution that would protect initial investment and future proof it with the ability to expand capabilities as needed was necessary to leverage the best of rapidly evolving technologies.

OpenText™ Alloy™ provides the value of faster time to market and flexibility by leveraging its cloud-native configurable services that are optimized for data integration and harmonization. In addition, the scalable solution offers the future proofing that eliminates the obsolescence risk associated with rapidly evolving technology advances.

Alloy seamlessly captures data from multiple web analytics providers and harmonizes it into a single data model for access and analysis via a thin web application dashboard. Built as a platform-as-a-service solution, it enabled the pharmaceutical client to dramatically increase the speed and agility with which valuable information is delivered across the business—while maintaining a high level of user confidence in its accuracy.

Alloy accessed application programming interfaces (APIs) to retrieve disparate data points from web analytics platforms that included Atlas Solutions by Facebook, Bing Ads, Facebook Insights, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Google DoubleClick and YouTube. These data points are then broken down into two primary types: metrics and dimensions. Metrics consist of the actual data, for example, numbers of likes, views, clicks, impressions and subscribers. Dimensions are categorical variables that provide attribute filters on the metrics.

Improved visibility of customers’ purchasing patterns and product sales allowed marketing and sales staffs to focus marketing dollars on initiatives that generated actual revenue.

Although each provider aggregates information on the individual platform, Alloy’s harmonization capabilities builds another layer of aggregation that enables insight across all of the organization’s digital assets.

Data is now not only easy to access, but the client-facing dashboard supports a wide range of functions. Users can run reports, create custom data filters and views, build graphs and tables, and import and export analytics data. By providing one easy central point of access to all analytics, the dashboard allows for metrics analysis across all brands and regions for unprecedented insight into campaign performance.

Timely, improved visibility of customers’ purchasing patterns and product sales in different regions allowed the pharmaceutical company’s marketing and sales staffs to focus marketing dollars on initiatives that generated actual revenue. At the same time, overall marketing expenditures were reduced due to improved targeting of potential customers.

About Global pharmaceutical company

150-year old life sciences company with core competencies in the areas of health care and agriculture.