Customer stories

Storengy Engie

Storengy improves speed and detail of daily reports. Global leader in energy storage solutions generates granular, group-wide reporting in seconds with OpenText Magellan BI & Reporting


  • Create administrative reports required by the French government
  • Follow up on day-to-day monitoring of the company's natural gas operations
  • Significantly reduce time to create the data


  • Reduced report generation time from days to seconds

  • Strengthened compliance with industry regulations through daily detailed reports

  • Improved efficiency with daily insight into operations


Working with energy suppliers, utility firms and the government, the business is subject to detailed regulations and regular compliance checks, making operational and strategic reporting a significant part of Storengy‘s business process.

close up of pipes

The real value of OpenText is the time it saves. It enabled us to create reports in just seconds. This gives us more time to analyze the data.

Pierre Dudit
Transverse Performance Engineer, Storengy

"We use more than 150 reports every day,” said Pierre Dudit, transverse performance engineer, Storengy. “Up to 80 percent of our time has been spent preparing the data, but only 20 percent on the actual analysis.”

Storengy wanted to greatly improve this ratio by streamlining the production of reports and improving the report’s granularity through links to established industry data sources.

By replacing its aging reporting tool with OpenText™ Magellan BI & Reporting, a component of the OpenText™ Analytics Suite, Storengy was able to transform the speed and detail of its reporting. The OpenText solution enabled the team to design, deploy and manage secure, interactive web applications, reports and dashboards fed by multiple data sources.

“The real value of OpenText is the time it saves. It enabled us to create reports in just seconds,” said Dudit. “This gives us more time to analyze the data.”

Today, Storengy has 300 users, including sales staff, engineers, field operatives and quality managers. It generates daily storage updates for the national energy authorities and daily reports on individual site operations. Users can access and work with the data as required. Dynamic reporting ensures the business is more compliant, transparent and efficient.

The OpenText solution enabled Storengy to roll out to new users, quickly and simply. “We looked at several market solutions before opting for OpenText Magellan BI & Reporting,” said Dudit. “We appreciated the ease of implementation. We recognized this would make it easier to scale when required.”

The transformative impact of OpenText has encouraged Storengy to explore greater uses for its data.

The company is also working with OpenText Professional Services on a project named Mashup, with the aim of developing public-facing reports.

“With Mashup, we want to create a simplified dashboard showing operational updates from across the group,” said Dudit. “We plan to display this information in office reception or coffee areas. This kind of up-to-the-minute reporting will allow us to better communicate company performance.”

About Storengy Engie

Storengy, European leader in the underground storage of natural gas, is a subsidiary of ENGIE. With 60 years of experience, Storengy designs, develops and operates storage facilities, and offers its customers innovative products designed from its extensive experience in different markets and regulatory environments. For more information, please visit

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