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Stinson Leonard Street LLP logoStinson Leonard Street LLP

Stinson Leonard Street LLP efficiently and rapidly analyzes a large, class–action production set. OpenText Axcelerate provides cutting-edge Predictive Coding technology to identify critical case documents after reviewing only 2.3% of production set

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  • Review a production of 1.3 million documents
  • Labor costs associated with linear review


  • Reduced review costs by 97.7% through AI-powered, prioritized review workflow

  • Achieved earlier case insights with Predictive Coding and advanced analytics

  • Completed project in a managed environment without long-term commitment


Stinson Leonard Street LLP, a 500+ attorney law firm based in the American Midwest, represented a defendant in a large class action matter. The case team needed to review a production of 1.3 million documents to inform their strategy on behalf of their client. With OpenText, the team leveraged advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities to expedite insight findings and avoid the daunting labor costs of a linear review.

Courthouse architecture

With the massive number of documents produced in modern litigation, it is too costly to try to review every document produced. With OpenText, we have been able to focus on the small percentage of documents that actually matter.

Bill Greene
Partner, Stinson Leonard Street LLP

The case team selected OpenText™ Axcelerate™ OnDemand, hosted and managed by OpenText Professional Services, to enhance their review efficiency. Suspecting that there would be a high concentration of produced documents that were not ultimately useful for their litigation strategy, the team identified the important documents faster using Axcelerate’s analytics and machine learning capabilities.

Faster case insights

First, the case team performed an initial sample, gathering a small subset of documents and reviewing them to establish a baseline of relevancy. Next, they conducted some basic culling using Axcelerate’s Smart Filters, Phrase Analysis and keyword searching toolset to reduce the document volume further.

The team then created an input set of documents to begin training Axcelerate Predictive Coding technology, and ran several iterative cycles for machine learning. In each iteration, Axcelerate recommended a priority batch of documents for review, and the team further refined the solution’s training. The review was completed when the team was satisfied, based on the analysis performed, that it had identified the critical documents needed to inform their strategy. To validate, the team analyzed a small sample of the unreviewed content to verify that nothing significant was missed.

Lower review costs

Bill Greene, the partner overseeing the project, commented, “With the massive number of documents produced in modern litigation, it is too costly to try to review every document produced.”

Using Axcelerate’s advanced analytics and Predictive Coding, the review team located the critical documents upon reviewing only 2.3 percent of the total document set, fewer than 30,000 of the 1.3 million documents they received.

“We were very pleased with the efficiency and overall cost savings of OpenText Axcelerate OnDemand,” said Greene.

We were very pleased with the efficiency and overall cost savings of OpenText Axcelerate OnDemand.

Bill Greene
Partner, Stinson Leonard Street LLP

Better results

By leveraging a small, knowledgeable team of just three attorneys, the firm kept the review process consistent and efficient, while developing a substantive understanding of the case facts in real time.

“When document review is concentrated with a small group who are knowledgeable, you get to the relevant documents more quickly. With Predictive Coding, we have been able to focus on the small percentage of documents that actually matter,” Greene concluded.

About Stinson Leonard Street LLP

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As one of the nation’s 200 largest law firms with nearly 450 attorneys, Stinson Leonard Street serves clients nationwide from its 13 offices in the Midwest, Mountain West and Southwest, and in Washington, D.C. To learn more, visit

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