Customer stories

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Voltage SecureData delivers enterprise-grade data protection to persistently secure sensitive data wherever it flows

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  • Completion of large-scale tokenization migration from legacy solution in 12 months
  • Collaboration with current 3rd party services partner to ensure smooth migration
  • Achieved full compliance with data protection industry regulations
  • Positioned to address additional data security use cases


Implement a data security solution that sufciently replaces legacy tools and addresses other contemporary data protection use cases.


EOL announcement prompts search for new data security solution

With the ever-increasing frequency and costs of data breaches today, and the added complexity of data protection regulations, forward-looking enterprises such as this customer are taking a platform approach to data security. When their incumbent security partner announced an end-of-life (EOL) of its solutions in use with the customer, this was a great opportunity to expand the thinking around security, eliminate the gaps between systems and security, and connect data and applications in a secure fashion. However, this was easier said than done, as the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) explains: “Security solutions are deeply entrenched in an organization and detangling them is a real challenge. In fact, we spent nearly three years attempting to do this and it still didn’t give us the results we had hoped for. After thorough evaluation of various options and consultation with our trusted systems integrator partner, who had managed our incumbent solution, we found Voltage SecureData gave us the most powerful, flexible way to address current data security needs and the best positioning to tackle future ones.” 

As the full potential of Voltage SecureData reveals itself, we can see many potential use cases including data encryption in other repositories within the organization, and a move to a cloud-based model as Voltage SecureData is designed to protect data as it flows between on-premises and cloud-based applications.

Chief Information Security Ofcer
Global Logistics Organization 

Voltage SecureData by OpenText was put through its paces alongside other leading market alternatives. The team was impressed with its ability to protect data in motion, at rest, and in use with format-preserving tokenization, while maintaining referential integrity for analytics and other business processes. A large-scale data security migration project is about much more than just technical capabilities, though. Security processes go to the heart of an organization and the team knew that an inadequate solution would cause major business disruption. “Knowing that Voltage SecureData has proven itself at scale in some of the world’s best known and largest payment processors was invaluable to us,” says the CISO “This project was all about trust and relying on a knowledgeable partnership between CyberRes (now part of OpenText Cybersecurity), our systems integrator, and our own security teams to successfully migrate onto a new security platform without breaking any of our existing processes or compromising data integrity.” 

People and jobs tend to be transient, and it is important that the customer is guided to create a ‘cookbook’ with all their ’recipes’ of how they secured their columns and datasets. This then provides a handy overview to refer to over time.

Efficient teamwork ensures smooth migration to Voltage SecureData 

The systems integrator team worked closely with OpenText™ Cybersecurity Professional Services to articulate the business requirements and anticipate any future needs. They then collaborated on transitioning to the new Voltage SecureData platform. This process was eased by Voltage SecureData’s interface layer, which reduces the complexity and the need for advanced coding skills at the customer’s end. They can gain the benefit from a data-centric approach to security out-of-the-box with Professional Services giving guidance and support to the systems integrator to ensure a seamless implementation.

As a global player in logistics, dozens of applications use format-preserving tokenization to protect credit card details and bank account numbers. For recurring payments, tokens persist within multiple applications with the relationship between token and credit card details safely stored. In total, millions of credit cards and bank accounts are securely managed in this way.

Future-proof and cloud-ready enterprise-wide data security platform

“Aside from tokenization of payment details, which in itself is a massive project, we also look to encrypt hundreds of applications so that sensitive data like social security numbers, driver license numbers, and application credentials such as passwords, are all protected at the application level,” comments the CISO. “It took just a year from purchasing licenses to flipping the switch over to Voltage SecureData and being fully compliant with our industry regulations. We absolutely needed to put our trust into a vendor and the partnership between CyberRes (now part of OpenText Cybersecurity) Professional Services and our systems integrator filled us with confidence at every step of the way.”

Now that Voltage SecureData is in place as an enterprise-wide data security platform, the team can look to the future, as the CISO concludes: “As the full potential of Voltage SecureData reveals itself, we can see many potential use cases including protection of PII in other repositories within the organization, and a possible move to a cloud-based model as Voltage SecureData is designed to protect data as it flows between on-premises and cloud-based applications. The sky is the limit, basically, and we are delighted to continue our partnership.” 

This project was all about trust and relying on a knowledgeable partnership between CyberRes (now part of OpenText Cybersecurity), our systems integrator, and our own security teams to successfully migrate onto a new security platform without breaking any of our existing processes or compromising data integrity.

Chief Information Security Ofcer
Global Logistics Organization 

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