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OpenText Records & Documents, Vignette Edition (VRD)

Traditionally, records management capture and retention was the domain of a small group of highly trained records managers. Today, stringent controls on vital information are being applied to a wider variety of documents and records.

With a growing list of legal and regulatory requirements such as U.S. DoD 5015.2, BASEL II or Sarbanes-Oxley Act, your document and records management system must be automatic, flexible, integrated, secure and intuitive for everyone to use.

Manage your documents and records from an intuitive browser-based administrative console.

Unique Single Repository

OpenText Records & Documents, Vignette Edition integrates document management capabilities with records retention policies, which helps avoid "broken records" as information is transferred from Document Management to the Records Management system for long-term storage and ultimate disposition.

Compliance Records Standards

Records & Documents supports document and Web transaction non-repudiation with built-in recording of digital audit trails directly into a secure database. Records & Documents helps you meet regulatory mandates such as the Gramm Leach Bliley Acts and industry standards such as SEC17a-3/17a-4 and US DoD 5015.2.

Full Lifecycle Solution

Eliminate paper trails for casework and establish standards for secure public and corporate records. Scanned images, collaboration, workflow and publishing of documents are managed, stored and optimized for compliance.

Features and Benefits

Records Management Take control of documents across the organization through central record classification, automated retention, and review cycles and secure high speed XML/SSL transfer of information between departments and different storage media.
Audit and Compliance Control and track access through comprehensive security controls and detailed access history. Implement full document “fingerprinting” to ensure non-repudiation of captured records.  Apply record retention rules across the organization including legal hold of documents.
Electronic Information Capture Capture and automatically classify documents and images in a variety of forms, from streamed computer output (ASCII, XML), to fax and paper documents, to Web transactions and office documents, to video and multimedia files.
Imaging and Indexing High-volume scanning allows transition from paper records. Page-at-a-time-retrieval provides instant access to images.
Email Archival Bulk capture email for audit and compliance applications. Automatic indexing can reduce overheads and improve discovery.
Network File Server Management Gain control of documents on unmanaged network file servers. Minimize the impact on users through automated replacement of documents with linked shortcuts – opening a file retrieves the document seamlessly from the records repository.
Collaborative document services Manage complex documents, created from popular desktop applications such as Microsoft® Office with check-in and check-out, versioning, full audit trails, and document review and approval workflows.
Document Discovery Full text and metadata searches provide rapid access to records and documents while desktop integration provides seamless retrieval from standard desktop products.
Case Manager Case Manager enables organizations to automate and manage high-value, customer-facing business transactions. Case Manager gives an organization's customers control over when and how they want to interact, whether in person in a branch during business hours, on the phone, or via the Web or email at a time and place of the customer's choosing. Case Manager makes this innovation possible by allowing organizations to deliver their back-office business processes directly to customers, across multiple channels and in a personalized and consistent way.
Collection Manager Organizations can capture, manage and deliver a wide variety of business content, including Web transactions, incoming forms, emails and letters, outgoing emails, letters and statements, internal reports, and office documents. Collection Manager provides for flexible aggregation of information across an organization. Each department may have its own collections of documents. Sensitive collections, such as HR files, may be secured, while standard business collections may be shared across the organization. Collection owners can define security, document types, attributes, rendition rules, routing rules, and capture mechanisms.
Deep Microsoft® Integration Microsoft SharePoint 2007, Microsoft Office 2007, Microsoft Windows Explorer, RSS.

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