Highly Diverse Global Supply Base
CNH has a very complex B2B network with approximately 11,300 dealers in 170 countries, more than 300 transportation carriers, over 10,000 worldwide suppliers, and 40 manufacturing facilities located throughout Europe, North America, Latin America and Asia. Its several diverse ERP systems around the world, with varied capabilities, have either been replaced or are being replaced with SAP. In addition, with suppliers around the world shipping parts to anywhere from one to forty CNH plants, supplier capabilities varied widely in their technology use and maturity—from highly integrated ERP systems to minimal PC-based processes. Supplier volume ranged from a few seasonal transactions to hundreds of orders every day.
CNH also deployed a Transportation Management System that increased its electronic transaction volume tenfold, making it cost-prohibitive to manage its B2B network in-house. In this instance, CNH needed a solution to manage the increased volume in transactions and document format translations as well as a vendor with ERP integration expertise to help handle transportation management transactions, such as tenders, tender responses, and shipment status reports.
As the company continued to grow and expand its global operations, it became more complex and more costly to manage all of its ERP integration requirements, multiple EDI platforms and B2B programs in house.
Growing B2B to Meet Current & Future Needs
For many years CNH had relied on OpenText Trading Grid™ Messaging Service as its EDI platform for basic B2B transactions with its suppliers and carriers throughout North America, Europe and Latin America. Then, CNH decided to move its in-house B2B operations to OpenText™ B2B Managed Services in order to shield the company from increasing B2B program complexities, such as connecting new trading partners, changing map requirements, and ongoing hardware and software maintenance.
Today, CNH has the ability to deal with all its trading partners using varying formats and technologies, such as AS2, SFTP, XML, IDoc, and is able to add all its trading partners in Europe and Latin America to the Trading Grid global platform. In fact, 95 percent of CNH’s supplier transactions have been migrated from their prior software solution to the OpenText Trading Grid. Specialized portals were created for the unique needs of their transportation providers and direct materials supplier communities. The portals are available in eight different languages, reflecting the diversity of CNH’s supplier base.
CNH Honored for its Global Deployment of OpenText B2B Managed Services
With B2B Managed Services now in place, CNH has been able to expand its B2B capabilities on a global scale and gain real-time communications and monitoring capabilities. Within a two-year timeframe, OpenText enabled CNH to go from managing 50 thousand document transactions per month to over 500 thousand documents per month. In addition, tasks such as mapping are looked after by expert OpenText staff dedicated to B2B. “With OpenText B2B Managed Services, our global B2B network is now managed smoothly and efficiently, with minimal resources required to support new projects or trading partners. Furthermore, OpenText was able to support the integration with our new TMS system, ensuring our B2B process is automated end-to-end.” Sundar Nagarajan, Manager of e-Commerce, CNH Industrial.
With the help of OpenText mapping expertise, CNH developed common specifications and standardized trading partner maps, reducing from 360 to 30 maps.
CNH was recognized and honored by Managing Automation’s Progressive Manufacturers 100 for its global B2B e-commerce deployment via B2B Managed Services.
“Receiving this award from Managing Automation is an honor as well as a reflection of the work and dedication put into this project from both CNH and OpenText,” said Sundar Nagarajan, Manager of e-Commerce at CNH. “With OpenText B2B Managed Services, our global B2B network is now managed smoothly and efficiently, with minimal resources required to support new projects or trading partners. Furthermore, OpenText was able to support the integration with our new TMS system, ensuring our B2B process is automated end-to-end.”
Through its continued partnership with OpenText, CNH operates a world-class, demand-driven supply network with seamless integration between its ERP systems, trading partner networks and transactions. With OpenText Managed Services, CNH has significantly improved its global B2B and EDI capabilities with the benefit of:
- A global B2B integration platform that spans every major economic region in the world
- Reporting and visibility into its B2B processes and network
- Dedicated, on-demand mapping resources
- ERP integration expertise
- Quick and easy onboarding of new trading partners