1-8414 - Documentum Life Sciences Quality and Manufacturing

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Duration: 2 days

The Documentum Life Sciences Quality and Manufacturing course provides a comprehensive functional overview of Documentum Q&M. Participants will explore Life Sciences workflows, lifecycles, auditing, and search features. It is designed to train key business users and business administrators in the core functionality of the solution so they may help to refine system requirements, perform system evaluation testing, and assist in the training of end users.


  • Create Content and Relationships
  • Initial workflows for collaborative editing, and Review and Approval
  • Learn about the Coordinator role
  • Create Change Requests
  • Create Authoring Templates
  • Work with Virtual Documents
  • Learn about business administration functions and specialized actions

On completion of this course, participants should be able to:

  • Explain the features and benefits of the Life Sciences solution suite
  • Describe the scope of the solution
  • Explain control categories
  • Create controlled documents
  • Route documents for review and approval
  • Search for documents
  • Describe change request behavior
  • Perform additional configurations


Business Users, Business Administrators


  • None


Format Currency Price
Per Student at OpenText Site 1,500.00
Per Student at OpenText Site GBP 1,200.00
Per Student at OpenText Site SGD 1,750.00
Per Student at OpenText Site USD 1,800.00

Taxes: All prices exclude VAT or other taxes where applicable (all currencies).

Extra expenses: Customer site course prices do not include instructor travel expenses, which are billed separately.

Reservations: Please provide a minimum of 3 weeks advance notice when arranging courses at customer sites.

Course and workshop calendar

Currently, there are no training dates scheduled for this course or workshop at this time. Please contact us to schedule an on-site course or workshop at your location.